Monday, April 22, 2019

Week 3 Update

Week 3 was very successful for the team. On the coding side of things, the first draft of the image recognition software was completed, then finalized by the end of the week. There was some trouble finding the correct parameters in order to maintain accuracy and efficiency, but a working copy has now been established. The next step for the coding will be revising this program and integrating it into the motor control script. The motor script was designed this week and now accepts commands to move the motor forward or backward for a given amount of time. Some calculations will be needed to mate the two scripts including how longs each command should last and the motor speed. Also this week, we received our shipment of magnets so we will start experimenting with them Week 4, hopefully with some agarose gel. Finally, on the mechanical side, 3D designing has begun and will continue this week and next. Laxmi also received her Tier 2 and 3 training in order to begin machining parts of the frame following their design phase.

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